The Father In Heaven Laughs! Be Free from Worry!

The Father sits on the throne in heaven and laughs! Let the weight and worry fall off like chains or graveclothes that do not belong on you.
Today I was reading a word from Nate Johnston (Ignore the Hornets Nest…) and there is a point in the word that says, “I want to show them where I am heading—will they look to the horizon? Will they lock eyes with Me at all costs?”
I decided I would look to heaven, and this is open to every believer with faith to look. As I looked with my sanctified imagination, without leaving where I was sitting, I saw into the throne room in heaven, and I saw Jesus, and some distance behind and above Him, the Father on a high throne.
Psalm 2:4

The Eyes of Jesus

I had trouble meeting Jesus’ gaze. I felt weights of shame, failure, self-doubt, self-hatred, sin, and circumstantial unbelief as the giants in my life shouted their blasphemies, and I did not respond like David did. But I decided that whatever His judgement of me, I would push through to look into His eyes. As I expected judgement, I heard laughter from the Father!! It was the most joyful, victorious, love-filled, and amazing sound I’ve ever heard!

All my failure just melted! The Father and Jesus hugged me in Heaven, and I felt their arms around me in the natural. Holy Spirit was behind me, holding me up. He said, “I have been holding you up for a long time!”

Joy and cleansing washed over me, and I cried tears of great relief and joy.
😭😭😭 I looked deeply within Jesus’ eyes, and saw blue flame and still heard the confident laugh of our Father! His derision for the enemy is joy and love to us. Love and joy defeats the darkness! Looking into Jesus’ eyes healed my heart and cleansed my soul.
Jesus spoke directly to my heart and said to speak, to tell you of His heart for you at this time and for all time. He said, “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” And the Father said, “Tell them of My laugh of love and joy! I AM COMING AND THE GATES OF HELL WILL TREMBLE AT MY LAUGH!!!”
You can experience this just as I did, by faith. Look up to heaven, wherever you think it is. Look where your imagination would draw an image, and focus your mind there. Then, when it seems Jesus is far above you, think yourself up to where He is, and you will be there. The veil is torn, and the heavens are open. He made a way to experience Him!

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